Sunday, August 26, 2007

Who are the beasts now?

Dog fighting is a sport that was banned a long time ago, but has persisted till today. These dogs do not fight with rules or regulations; rather they are trained to comply with one simple rule: tear the opponent apart. It is the aggressive and dangerous nature of this sport that precisely got it banned in the first place, but sadly, there has been a recent increase in dog fighting, as stated in the article. The article also mentions that dog fighting mainly appeals to insecure people as it gives them a sense of power and control. These dog fighters are not even treating the dogs as living things but as mere tools to satisfy their pleasures and needs. These poor dogs are treated poorly and their only existence is to kill other dogs or they will be killed. It is totally wrong that these people are venting their frustrations over failures on dogs that are completely innocent. The dog fighters mainly feel insignificant in their lives because of how others treat them like failures, but yet they do not try to prove themselves. Instead they just resort to throwing all their anger at dogs that cannot fight back. Everyone else will still treat them like failures. They do not realise that what they are doing only worsens matters as not only are they not proving their worth, they are getting trapped in a false illusion of power and control by torturing the dogs.

Even when the dogs are badly injured, the dog fighters still relish in pushing them harder and feel no remorse over killing them. This control over the dogs is not a form of power, but rather, it shows a perverse nature. Anyone can exhibit that form of control over the dogs but they do not, and I feel that this best shows that being able to control the dogs does not mean having real power. The dog fighters have to understand that this control that they have over the dogs can never exist in the human society because humans are smarter and know how to fight back. The dog fighters are acting like as if they are very much above the dogs, but they are acting more like beasts than the dogs will ever be. They even use the dogs as means to help them earn money, not caring about their deaths at all.

But, in a way, I think I can also relate a bit to how the dog fighters are feeling. They turn to dog fighting to cover up their insecurities mainly because their human counterparts look down on them. They just want to prove themselves but just do not possess the correct ideas to do so. I am sure that many have also experienced these feelings of frustration before, but they just resolved to prove that they were not useless. Thus, the dog fighters have no right to inflict their emotional pain onto the dogs physically.
(492 words)

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