Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another victim of vicious bullying

There have been many cases of bullying in schools everywhere. Some students are lucky to be spared, but weaker, more awkward students are picked on mercilessly by school bullies. This article highlights the predicament of Benjamin Cox, a bully victim who was bullied from the age of five by an older pupil, leaving him with psychiatric problems.

Although Benjamin was given a lot of money that can cover his lifetime, these large sums of money can never heal the emotional scars he has suffered. He had to deal with being bullied at such a young age of five and he lost the fun of his childhood all because of bullying. This incident is a good example which showcases the damage of bullying. Just because someone acts differently from us or has a different physical appearance, it does not give us the right to make fun of them. After all, all human beings are equal regardless of their race, religion or ethnic group. What right does one have to claim dominance over another person just because you are not happy with him or her?

Bullying destroys the victims’ self-esteem and leaves scars on their mentality which cannot be easily gotten rid of. The victims are helpless against the bullies, and the bullies usually get their friends to help in the bullying. No other student will dare mix with the victims for fear of being associated with them and having to face the bullies too. Hence, I feel that bullying is almost as bad as stealing or any other crime. If people who commit these crimes have to face serious consequences, is it really fair for the bullies to just get away scot-free? So when I read in the article that the school brushed bullying aside as a minor issue, I felt that it was totally preposterous. Bullying can destroy the victim’s childhood and lead to many problems, so it definitely cannot be considered a minor issue. If bullies are allowed to continue in their actions, they will grow up thinking that they can do anything they want, even crimes. Bullying absolutely does not build character and schools must find a way to prevent bullying.

The main rationale for bullying is differences between students and therefore some students are picked on by others to express their dislike. The victims dare not retaliate and the bullies just continue with their atrocities. To solve the problem, schools must educate children on the awfulness of bullying when they are young and let it get into their heads that they must never bully others. The victims must undergo therapy to allow them to overcome their problems and let them know what to do if they are bullied. School authorities must not just punish the bullies without making them understand their mistakes, for it will make matters worse and the bullies will blame the victims for their punishment. We must understand that bullies are also misguided and if everyone recognizes the awfulness of bullying, it can be prevented.

(501 words)

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